Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I've been slacking! I need to tell all of you faithful readers about my first Sunday here at WUMC. I went to both services at 8:15 and 11. During both services, they had a small commissioning for me. The congregation had a response saying that they would accept me this summer as their intern and help me to grow in faith and leadership and help me discern my call. It was so powerful because there were over 200 people at the 8:15 service and probably over 300 at the 11. Hearing that many voices affirm me and my call at the same time felt like God speaking in the midst of it. It's so hard to explain.... Anyway the rest of the services went really well as well and I sang in the choir during the second service.

Yesterday I wrote the call to worship and opening prayer for Sunday's service even though I'll be at Annual Conference this weekend. It's amazing how comfortable being here feels. I don't know whether my experience as a work study at the chapel or growing up in the church is the culprit, but it just feels right to be doing this kind of work. I am especially loving the Respite care folks, it's bringing my music background and combining it with my love for church. Next week is definitely going to be interesting because it's VBS so I'm going to be super busy.

Well that's the end of my rant for now...until next time


  1. Wow! It sounds like you are having some pretty powerful and amazing experiences, Em! I'm glad you feel so comfortable and yet challenged there. Keep us updated!

    1. Ashley, you make me happy :) you're my first comment! I miss you and everyone at home!

  2. Totally tired at Camp Wesley, but it is a GREAT group this year!!! Christian found a kindred soul in Zac and they have been non-stop Zelda and Pokemon speak. Yikes! We painted today, and Christian was on my work crew today. Love you, Dad.

  3. BTW, I tried to post a couple days ago and I had verification issues so I guess it never posted :-(

  4. Em, I'm so glad you're doing well. I know you will be well loved there. Point to remember about UMC south of Mason-Dixon. . . it's very easy to feel at home. The southern Methodists in general are warm, excited, and more evangelistic than their northern counterparts (with the exception of south central PA).

    Soak it all up. You will enjoy it.

