Saturday, June 30, 2012

It's the end of another week here in Williamsburg. I've been here for almost two and a half weeks now and I'm getting into a rhythm. I know that the thunderstorm last night knocked out a lot of power and that damages are pretty bad so I hope everyone is ok who was affected by the storm.

On a more positive note, VBS was amazing! I definitely got a workout singing and dancing to VBS songs three hours a week for five days straight. Actually, I kinda lost my voice for a couple of days...not my brightest moment. I absolutely loved the kids and the kids really enjoyed music. I was so proud of them during the closing program. After the program, one of the boys came up to me with the most somber face and asked if I was going to be the music teacher next year. It broke my heart to tell him that I was going to be here for just the summer and I wouldn't be here next year.

Tomorrow is my second official Sunday. I will be leading the Call to Worship, the Opening Prayer, and I will also be helping to serve communion. Next week is sermon prep week and I also have a respite care session on Thursday. I'm really excited for next week because my family is coming to town to visit with me and hear me preach and also the Dean of Spiritual Life and his family are coming.

The month of July is filling up rather quickly with meetings, camps, retreats, sessions, and lots of other stuff. I'm looking forward to a busy and exciting month here in Williamsburg. Sorry this post isn't longer, I promise I'll be more interesting in the future.

Just curious, would anyone want me to post my sermon that I write for next week on my blog?


  1. We are so excited to come visit! Mom booked hotel last night, we are good to go! Love you, Dad.

  2. You really made an impact on my two boys during VBS!!! Ethan and Logan sing and dance to those songs everyday.
